Employment Link

Employment Link is owned and operated by Ability Building Services, Inc. Our mission is to provide opportunities for enriched lives by helping people find employment in their area of interest.

Supported Employment is an approach that emphasizes helping people obtain work in the community and providing the supports necessary to ensure their success in the workplace. Employment Specialists help people find jobs. The overriding philosophy of supported employment is the belief that every person is capable of working competitively in the community if the right kind of job and work environment can be found.

Employment Link’s success in the area of supported employment can be attributed to our agencies emphasis on the ongoing education for the Employment Specialist. Our employment specialists take advantage of training opportunities to stay updated in the ever changing field of supported employment. They currently have the opportunity to be nationally certified under the APSE certification process.

Services that fall within the realm of Supported Employment may include

Job Shadowing: Job Shadowing may be beneficial if the person has minimal job experience or knowledge. This experience includes going to a job site and observing what the position actually entails.

Job Assessments: The Employment Specialist is available to assist the person with Job Assessment experiences at a variety of positions. Job assessments are done at a specific business and the person experiences hands on work. This is a way to observe and evaluate the person’s ability and their interest in a specific job setting.

Job Placement: Job Placement includes assisting the person as needed in completing job applications and in the interviewing process.

Job Coaching: Job Coaching is provided to help ensure that the person learns the job and any modifications or adaptive devices are put in place to help the person do their job independently.

Follow Along Services: Follow Along Services may be provided to help the person with ongoing supports and is often times to aide as a liaison between the employee and employer. This service is customarily provided after the employee has learned their job.

Employment Services: Employment Services assists the individual with resume writing and interview skills.

The Employment Link staff work closely with the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation; local school districts and families for planning of a successful employment experience.

Contact us to find out more information on any of our services.

Supported Employment

Job Shadowing

Job Assessments

Job Placement

Job Coaching

Follow Along Services

Employment Services

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